Ninety Days to SUCCESS!

Ninety Days to SUCCESS!
"Your success is our focus"

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Execution: Flawless Techniques for the Masterful

 What’s it all about?


When I think of positive execution, I like to look first, at what it is not.  Ok, it’s not Tai Chi, but I’ll get to the reason I chose this photograph later.  You see, there are certain ideas that simply can’t exist when you have an execution mindset.

If you are thinking, “How do I get out of this?” or, “What’s the best way to ignore this initiative?”  I think that you’re missing the boat.  If you disregard something that needs your attention and active support, or worse yet, forget about it all together, you simply will not execute well.

Effectiveness, Efficiency & Productivity

Can you move swiftly, purposefully with a precision and grace that generates a sense of awe?  Are you at the top of your game?  Do you deliver phenomenal results consistently?  Are you the model, the example of innovation and drive?  Will you experience the accolades of success hereto reserved for the legends of your field?  This is how the great ones live, think and behave.  This is how they define winning.  This is the stuff of champions.  The kids in the photo above might start off a little awkward but they’ll be champions soon enough.

Champions never abandon their post.  Champions don’t ignore or shirk responsibility.  Champions won’t tolerate failure in themselves or their teammates.   A champion would never neglect the important details, the critical systems or the key people. 
I’m talking about brilliant execution and it is about so much more than just “getting it done.”  It’s about getting it done and doing it in style.  Nowhere does style count more than right here, right now, today.  In the hustle and bustle of everyday business life, no one can afford to deliver weak performance.  The cost is too great.  Our families and our communities are depending on us more and more.  The pressure to make it happen has never been greater for any population of humans at any time in history.

Let’s define execution:
  1. the carrying out of an action, instruction, command, or movement 
  2.  the style or manner in which something is carried out or accomplished

Performance and style are clearly the two major elements of masterful execution.  When they meet, magic happens!  Think of two people, standing on the top of a mountain named, Success.  These two people are Performance and Style.  They’ve known and worked together extremely well for years and they can’t imagine being without each other.

Performance moves everything forward

Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.
-Ralph Marston

Rule #1-You are responsible to create and maintain your will to succeed
Rule #2-When you Dream BIG you win even BIGGER
Rule #3-Plan your strategy until it feels like destiny; then there’s no way out
Rule #4-If it’s not urgent, do it now

Style is the silent language of the soul

"He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise." - Paul Klee

"Style is what gives value and currency to thoughts." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Rule #5-Practice until you own your process; that’s the beginning of real innovation
Rule #6-Remember that your character is measured by what you do and even more about how you do it.

Follow these six rules and your execution strategy will help you become a legend!

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